Barcode-Lib4J requires Java 9+

Java Class «ImplEAN128»  –  Generate GS1-128 Barcode

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
ImplEAN14, ImplSSCC18

public class ImplEAN128 extends ImplCode128
Implementation of GS1-128 (also known as EAN-128 or UCC-128). To generate instances, please use one of the newInstance static methods in the Barcode class.
  • Method Details

    • setContent

      public void setContent(String content, boolean autoComplete, boolean appendOptionalChecksum) throws BarcodeException
      Sets the GS1 data to be encoded in the barcode.

      For guidance on how to properly provide GS1 structured data, refer to the GS1Validator class documentation. This method uses an internal instance of GS1Validator to validate the provided data, so you do not need to instantiate it yourself.

      To include FNC1 separators, the value of ImplCode128.FNC1 should be used for GS1-128.

      setContent in class ImplCode128
      content - the GS1 data to be encoded in the barcode
      autoComplete - has no function in this method implementation
      appendOptionalChecksum - has no function in this method implementation
      BarcodeException - if the provided content is empty, or does not comply with the GS1 standard