Barcode-Lib4J requires Java 9+

Java Class «ImplCode93»  –  Generate Code 93 Barcode

All Implemented Interfaces:
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public class ImplCode93 extends Barcode
Implementation of Code 93. To generate instances, please use one of the newInstance static methods in the Barcode class.

Code 93 was developed to provide higher information density and data security than Code 39. The barcode format encodes the same 43 characters. It includes a mandatory checksum consisting of 2 digits, which are not displayed in the human-readable text line.

  • Method Details

    • setContent

      public void setContent(String content, boolean autoComplete, boolean appendOptionalChecksum) throws BarcodeException
      Sets the content to be encoded in the barcode.
      Specified by:
      setContent in class Barcode
      content - the content to be encoded in the Code 93 barcode
      autoComplete - whether to automatically convert lowercase letters in the content to uppercase letters
      appendOptionalChecksum - has no function, as Code 93 uses a mandatory checksum which is not optional
      BarcodeException - if the content is empty or contains invalid characters